How to identify children with autism for early intervention?

How to identify children with autism for early intervention?


Author: Specialist 1 Pediatrician LAI THI BICH THI - CarePlus International Clinic

April 2 every year is chosen by the United Nations as 'World Autism Awareness Day to call for the community's attention for people with this disability. Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a brain dysfunction that leads to the following consequences:

  • Defects in social communication
  • Defect in communication
  • Behavioral abnormalities

Autism is not uncommon. The rate of children showing signs of ASD is increasing. According to statistics in the US in 2016, 1 out of 54 normal children was found to have signs of ASD. However, in Vietnam, there are no precise statistics.

Although no specific cause has been found, recent studies suggest that genetic factors may be related to environmental effects during the fetal stage.

🐥 Early Signs of Autism Child Recognition?

Warning signs:

  • Children do not seem to make eye contact when talking and playing
  • Poor response to sounds, words, name-calling, not looking, not turning head, not answering
  • Language delay: speech delay according to age, speech incomprehension
  • Does not like to socialize or play with children of the same age or caregivers
  • Disapproval and anger with a change in daily routine
  • Babies don't point their fingers at favorite objects when they are over 15-18 months old
  • Do not look at things when others show them to you
  • Unusual words, statements, or behaviors are repeated in inappropriate circumstances
  • Enjoy playing a few games over and over, like playing with blocks of the same color only
  • Hyperactivity, poor concentration, like to do dangerous things
  • Slow growth according to physiological developmental milestones

Is ASD Curable?

Currently, there is no method to treat ASD completely. However, early detection is critical in the development of children. If detected and intervened in time, it will help some children catch up with developmental milestones and integrate into society. At the same time, it helps orient parents early on to care and educate most effectively in children with ASD.

How to Detect ASD Early?

ASD can be detected as early as 18 months of age and intervened early. Parents should have their child screened if:

  • Children do not reach developmental milestones in each month in the first year of life such as slow turning, crawling, sitting, not responding to sounds, mother's calls
  • Children with the above warning signs

Is a child with mental retardation?

The answer is not quite. There are children with ASD who are still very intelligent, normal in learning, but only impaired in terms of social communication. Children with ASD are still useful citizens if detected and intervened promptly. Famous savants such as Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, or Mozart - Talented composers are also people with ASD but still live and dedicate themselves to humanity.

Therefore, children with ASD must be loved and supported because they are 'SPECIAL,' not 'DIFFERENT.'

References: Autism Spectrum Disorder - CDC - America

🩺To detect early risk signs of ASD, parents can take their children to CarePlus for examination and direct consultation with a doctor.

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