Talk Show "THE CODED LIFE" - DR. Bi Chong Lei

Talk Show "THE CODED LIFE" - DR. Bi Chong Lei

Start time: 2019-06-08 09:00:00
End time: 2019-06-08 10:30:00

5/20/2019 11:12:07 AM

Have you ever wonder...
"Why don't I lose my weight even I'm on strict dieting and daily exercise? "

"Am I more adaptable to endurance exercises or strength exercises?"

"How some women can stay younger for longer and some others cannot, even how hard they tried?"

"Why some men can drink like a fish but still can stay healthier than others?"

"And what does it means when you inherit a cancer gene?"

"THE CODED LIFE" Talkshow with Dr Bi Chong Lei, Chief Science Office of Singapore Precision Medicine Center provides all basic information you would love to know about your own body code – the gene - and how close it affect to your beauty, your health, your mind and your life.

"Gene tells your life story. By knowing more about yourself, you know more about how to live happy and healthy forever after."

9am Saturday 08/06/2019 at California Fitness & Yoga Center, 6th floor Saigon Centre, 65 Le Loi, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1
Attendance fee: FREE 
Attendance is limited. Please subscribe to join the event right now via LINK.

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