Vaccines for Pregnant Women


Vaccines for Pregnant Women

Vaccination during pregnancy is the best way to reduce risks for mother and baby. So how many vaccinations do pregnant women need and what vaccines should they get? The following vaccines are considered safe for the pregnant woman and her unborn baby.

1. Tetanus vaccination during pregnancy

During pregnancy, all women are recommended for tetanus vaccination according to regulations issued by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.

What is tetanus? Tetanus (also known as leprosy) is an acute illness caused by an exotoxin (tetanus exotoxin) of the bacterium Clostridium tetani that develops in the wound under anaerobic conditions. It damages nerves, causing the muscles to become stiff and paralyzed as well. If not treated in time, the respiratory muscles will stop working, leading to death.

The disease usually begins after lesions, on average about 7 days. Signs of the disease: muscle spasms, muscle pain, mainly appear in the chewing muscles, the nape of the neck, the body muscles.

The cause of tetanus is mainly due to scratches, skin lacerations, skin pricks, open wounds. This type of bacteria is ubiquitous and is mainly found in soil, dust, poultry, livestock, sewers, unpasteurized surgical tools, and stainless steel.

Why do pregnant women need to get tetanus vaccination? Tetanus is a dangerous disease with a death rate up to 90%. In particular, tetanus in infants causes more than 95% of death.

Some people who lack information, subjectivity or fear of much negative information about vaccines, have not been vaccinated against tetanus before and during pregnancy. Therefore, the mother's body is completely immune to tetanus, making it more likely to become infected. In addition, babies can get tetanus at any time, due to lack of immunity while still in the womb.

Moreover, the risk of infection is even higher when giving birth at low standard medical facilities. In particular, when giving birth at home, using tools that have not been properly sterilized with boiling water to cut the umbilical cord increases the risk of infants getting tetanus.

bà bầu cần tiêm phòng mấy mũi

All pregnant women should get a tetanus shot to protect both mother and baby

How many shots do pregnant women need to inject? For women who are pregnant for the first time and have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus, they need 2 shots:

- The first injection starts as soon as possible, usually starting from the 5th month of pregnancy.

- The second  is given 1 month after the first shot and at least 1 month before birth.

For pregnant women giving birth to a second child, only 1 injection is needed if having been give 2 injections when having the first child.

2. Diphtheria - pertussis - tetanus vaccination (ADACEL)

Pertussis is an infectious disease that spreads rapidly through the respiratory tract, caused by the invasion of the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. The disease is quite dangerous if severe progression can lead to death.

ADACEL (France) is an active immunogenicity vaccine against pertussis, diphtheria, and tetanus. Studies show that pregnant women who get this vaccine are 6.39 times more likely to prevent diseases for themselves and their babies than pregnant women who don't. Pregnant mothers need a single injection from 28 - 36 weeks of pregnancy.

3. Get a flu shot (inactivated) during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's immune system often weakens to accommodate the growing fetus. Therefore, the their body is at a higher risk of being attacked by bacteria or viruses. One of the most common respiratory infections is flu. Especially for pregnant women in the first 3 months, it is easy to affect the fetus, cause birth defects, premature birth or low birth weight. So the flu shot is the best way to protect the mother and baby's body. Right after the baby is born, the antibodies against the flu of the mother are still passed through the baby in the first 6 months.

bà bầu cần tiêm phòng mấy mũi vắc xin

A pregnant woman who has a flu shot will pass the antibody to her baby 

A single dose of the influenza vaccine is prepared from the inactivated virus, making it safe for pregnant women. The shot should be given as soon as possible, at any stage of pregnancy, preferably before the flu season (usually from November to March of the following year).

4. Some vaccination notes during pregnancy

  • Some vaccines should be avoided for pregnant women: Hepatitis A, Measles - Mumps - Rubella (MMR), Chickenpox (Varicella), Pneumococcal, Polio (oral OPV). These vaccines should be given before pregnancy and as soon as plant to pregnant.

  • If you are pregnant with multiple pregnancies or are at risk of premature birth, you should get consultant before getting vaccinated. In addition, during pregnancy, should also see a doctor for testing and counseling.

  • Do not vaccinate when the person has a fever or the flu, hepatitis, joint disease 

  • The injection site may become painful or inflamed after the injection, in many cases having mild fever after returning home. This is a normal response when the vaccine enters the body so no need to worry too much. 

  • Should choose a reputable, certified facility of the Ministry of Health for vaccination.

5. CarePlus - reliable vaccination address

In Ho Chi Minh City, many pregnant women have chosen CarePlus International Clinic for fully vaccinate during pregnancy. Coming to CarePlus, the pregnant mother does not have to wait hours, consulted enthusiastically by the doctor about vaccination as well.

bà bầu cần tiêm mấy mũi vắc xin trước khi sinh

Before vaccination, doctors at CarePlus carefully examine pregnant women

Outstanding advantages of vaccination services at CarePlus:

  • The procedure is simple, comfortable, does not take much time to wait.

  • Examination and screening before injection: the doctor learns about the history, evaluates the general condition, and taking tests if necessary. Once all the medical information is available, the pregnant woman will receive her specific injection schedule.

  • Clear pre-injection counseling on the vaccine type, price list, country of manufacture, expiry date, injection location. Customers can better understand before getting the service.

  • Follow up for reactions after injection for at least 30 minutes in a clean sterile area. The clinic always prepares a full range of anti-shock drugs to promptly respond to unexpected situations that may occur.

Thus, pregnant women need at least 2 doses of tetanus vaccine during pregnancy. In addition, pregnant women can actively inject others as directed by the doctor. Contact CarePlus International Clinic for advice, antibody testing, and get the best vaccination schedule for your condition, call Hotline 1800 6116 (toll-free switchboard).

Consulted by Dr. First Degree Specialist. Pham Thi Ngoc Tuyet

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